Why do dogs get carsick- What are the reasons why dogs get carsick-

Why do dogs get car sick? What are the reasons why dogs get car sick?

Dogs are not as car sick as us. When we are car sick, we only need to get out of the car and stay for a while, or breathe fresh air to relieve it. However, the dog will suffer from persistent depression and even vomiting. Moreover, there are many types of motion sickness in dogs, some are severe and some are not. If it's serious, they may not be in good mental condition for several days. The reasons are basically caused by the following points.

Agitated about unfamiliar situations

Perhaps due to territorial awareness, dogs often feel anxious about unfamiliar situations. . Therefore, unfamiliar and cramped situations like private cars will make them feel anxious.

The situation of customs closure and annoyance

The car is a situation related to the customs closure, and there is no comment on the noise made by the parts on the car They are all very noisy. There are also many uncertain factors that can cause dogs to feel nervous and uncomfortable, which in turn can cause them to get carsick.

The vibration of the car and the smell of engine oil

Dogs have very keen senses, especially their senses. Therefore, there is actually a very fragrant gasoline smell in the narrow space of the car. We can't smell it, but for dogs, this is what causes them to get carsick.


Young dogs are more prone to motion sickness, but this condition often gets better as they grow older.

Generally speaking, motion sickness will not cause much harm to dogs, and owners do not need to worry too much. However, after they experience severe motion sickness, owners need to be careful.

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