male cat estrus time

Male cats start going into estrus around 8 months old, and they often go into estrus in irregular cycles. They will enter the estrus state according to the female cat’s estrus. Male cats in heat often urinate everywhere, and their urine smells bad. The male cat's temperament will also become irritable, and he will be very unhappy if he cannot be matched.

The estrus time of a male cat

The estrus time of a male cat

Generally, male cats start going into estrus around 8 months old. They do not go into estrus every other period like female cats. Male cats are naturally The frequency of estrus is not precise. They may go into estrus once every few days and last for 3 to 7 days. They may also go into estrus twice a year and last for half a year.

Male cat< /p>

Male cats go into heat based on the estrus of female cats. When female cats enter estrus, they will emit a scent that humans cannot detect but male cats are very sensitive to. Male cats who smell this scent Cats generally go into heat.

Male cat< /p>

The tendency to urinate everywhere is one of the signs of male cats in heat, and it is often the most disgusting. They will urinate everywhere within their own territory, and sometimes the owner's bed is not immune. What's even more annoying is that the urine of male cats in heat is very smelly.

Male cat< /p>

Male cats will also become a little irritable after they are in estrus. They like to meow and meow. Occasionally, when they are unhappy, they will give their owners two paws. All these behaviors are signs that the male cat is eager to be mated.

